The Healing Power of Jesus: A Sermon by Tony Evans

Discover the healing power of Jesus in this sermon by Tony Evans. Learn to recognize your worth and identity in God, and experience freedom and victory in Christ.

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Understanding Ezekiel 38  

Highlighting God’s Sovereignty, Israel, and End Times Prophecies  This comprehensive blog post delves into the Book of Ezekiel to explore Israel's role in prophecies, the notion of God's sovereignty, and…

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Graphic of tv screens with the text ,"Media-Influences-on-Society"
Graphic of tv screens with the text ,"Media-Influences-on-Society"

Media Influences on Society is an Exploration of Moral Well-Being

Media Influences on Society is an interdisciplinary exploration of Psychology, Spirituality, and Emotional Well-Being Our world is brimming with complexity; this blog post invites you to explore an interdisciplinary approach that blends psychology, spirituality, and media, helping you curate a personalized toolkit for emotional and moral well-being.  I find that the divergent realms of psychology, spirituality, and media each offer valuable but isolated insights into human behavior and emotional well-being. This fragmentation can be deeply problematic, creating a disjointed landscape that contributes to societal discord, emotional distress, and ethical confusion. The solution lies in an interdisciplinary approach that merges the wisdom from all three domains. By integrating psychological theories with spiritual insights and honest media, we can offer a more cohesive and comprehensive help for individuals navigating life's complexities. This unified perspective can potentially enhance individual well-being and, by extension, create a more balanced and ethically grounded society.

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Timothy R. Carter preaching
Timothy R. Carter preaching

Responsibility As A Pastor:

My Responsibility As A Pastor: A Commitment to Truth and Balanced Interpretation As a pastor, I consider it not only an honor but also a great responsibility to stand before you each week and delve into the Word of God. The pulpit isn't just a stage from which to deliver spiritual guidance; it's an educational platform where we explore Biblical texts together. My role goes beyond merely citing scriptures. I aim to offer a balanced, nuanced understanding of the Bible that upholds its integrity while making the lessons accessible and relevant to each one of you.

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A Brief Look at 1 Samuel 31: Death of a Terrible King

Saul was King for forty years. During that time he could not gain land that God had already promised the people. He didn’t drive away the enemies. In fact, at his death he is afraid of them. Saul’s kingdom gained more Philistines than they expelled. This shows he hurt the nation more than helped. And he died at the same place where he started. Saul began as a man with the Spirit of God on him. God gave him a new heart. At the end of his life, he asked the one person sworn to protect him to kill him, because he wants to look good. What will be said of you and me when we die? Can it be said that you attracted more of God’s enemies than you ran away?

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SAVED by GRACE: Not a Sinner Saved by Grace

After a meal you wash the dishes. Why do you wash the dishes? Because they are dirty dishes. You wash the dishes in dishwater and soap. Afterward are the dishes clean or dirty? Do you say, “My spoon is a dirty spoon washed by Dawn”? No, that doesn’t make sense. If we wash it, it is no longer dirty. Then why do people say, “I am a sinner (dirty) saved (washed in Christ’s blood) by grace?

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Classical Exploitation of Salvation
Classical Exploitation of Salvation

Classical Explanation of Salvation

In these verses, Paul shifts our thinking from what Jesus did in relation to God to what Jesus did in relation to us. He shows us that, while Jesus accomplished something for us in the past, He continues working for us in the present.

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